Welcome to ::damonwright.org::, suprisingly enough this is my website and yes, my name is Damon Wright. Although it’s also true to say that I've been called a great many other things over the years too. I am not to be confused with the Mac advocating Damon Wright.
This site is my personal site and it contains information about me and as well as detailing some of the things which pass through my head. This may or may not make it suitable for children. It may contain information about what I've been up to, including both work and leisure or what is going on locally to me in Lancaster, (that's Lancaster in the United Kingdom and not Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA) as well as exploring any concepts or ideas that I have come across elsewhere which I have found to be of interest.
Included within ::damonwright.org:: are a number of weblogs. My personal blog ::ringpull:: is one of these, and you're more than welcome to take a look, although this is not necessarily an endorsement, cause I'm sure it's dull as dishwater, but I guess there's no accounting for taste. Weblogs are generally self-indulgant affairs and they appear to be updated more often the less actually happens in the author's life. I can't begin to suggest where my modest offering fits in that description, I guess you'll have to decide for yourself.
perhaps gives away CSS styles, JavaScript, PHP and Perl scripts, XHTML markup techniques, and other bits of “source code” for the use of its readers. You may freely copy, paste, and modify any of this code for use on your own web projects large or small, commercial or non-commercial. You need not ask permission to do so. It is our gift to you. [Disclaimer]
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You cannot reproduce our articles online or in print without first obtaining written permission. Contact us; we will contact the author to obtain his or her consent.
Images, and logos, including those used in tutorials (example), cannot be reproduced outside this online digest, except by the author or designer who created them.
You may adapt elements of our CSS in your own projects, but the unique combination of images, colors, sizes, typography, and positioning (“the design”) is © 2005 Damon Wright and Goldfish Twenty-Three Media and may not be reproduced.
Standard disclaimer
::damonwright.org:: and its operators, including any contributing authors, warrant that any source code given away in tutorials or used to build this website has worked for us but we do not claim that it will work in every situation: For instance, we do not claim that a PHP script will work in an ASP environment, or that a sophisticated CSS style sheet will work correctly in a five-year-old web browser.